At A Glance

PHILOMAXCAP is a German listed company specialised in financial technology investments.


PHILOMAXCAP’s main businesses include investments and financial holding, communications, renewable energy, artificial intelligence, real estate, education, and entertainment. Based on overall market developments and future outlooks, PHILOMAXCAP has established tangible and clear strategies aimed at building an investment platform with high potential yet low risk for investors.

Its listing in Germany offers PHILOMAXCAP Eurasian economic and geographic advantages. Since Germany is the European Union’s financial- as well as the industrial technology development centre, PHILOMAXCAP can build a valuable economic and technical communication bridge between Europe and Asia.

The development of a highly diversified business platform is what drives PHILOMAXCAP to become the corporation that best meets the changing needs of the current new, highly technologically advanced, economic era. By building a global development platform comprising a variety of businesses, we also establish a multi-channel market environment.

More about PHILOMAXCAP’s Structure